The advice id orented towards the development of their daily opeations.

National and forign banks and financial companies are advised in the preparation of financing contracts, investment banking operations, debt structuring and restructuring and so on.

The Firm has advised in the purchase, merger and/or restructuring of banks, public utility companies, telecommunications corporationes, manufacturing companies and so on.

The firm has advised on domestic and foreign issues, in the New York, London, Luxembourg, Ireland, Panama and El Salvador exchange.

The firm advises international organizations in charge of the administration of the regional electricity market.

The firm has extensive experience in negotiating all types of contracts related to the acquisition, sale and exploitation of real state, its tax planning and development that allows optimizing investor's resources.

We advise national and foreign companies on Labor Law. As a firm, we know the importance and relevance of complying with labor regulations, to guarantee a better realtionship between employer and employee.

From the beginning, we have advised one of the most important oil companies in the country in all its operations.

The form has rendered advise in economic concentrations in the financial sector, supermarkets and beverages, compliance in ex-post conditions for the authorization of economic concentrations in the area of oil and gas market investigations, among others.