The year is coming to an end and with it, the fiscal year. It is time to take stock, not only accounting, but also personal, professional, business and political. It is also time to prepare budgets and projections for 2023.
No one can deny that preparing a business budget for the coming year is full of challenges; the national political landscape is uncertain, with many questions. But the international arena also continues to get more complicated with the prolongation of the war in Ukraine, pandemic closures in China, runaway inflation, the slow re-establishment of supply chains; in short, a host of problems outside our sphere of influence.
December is always a hectic month for the Firm; many of our clients, when trying to close the annual cycle, realize that they are missing documents, minutes and contracts. Others, in an effort to improve their numbers, urge us to sign agreements or, better yet, finish closing pending transactions.
I believe that at Benjamin Valdez & Associates we are prepared to face all these challenges and many more; but regardless of the busy days, festivities and Christmas gifts we want to communicate to our clients and friends optimism and above all, a new year full of prosperity, happiness and lots of love.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the legal and administrative staff of Benjamín Valdez & Asociados for their commitment and dedication to their work, their patience for the long hours worked and their willingness to work hard. We have all met the challenge and we have no doubt that in 2023 we will continue to provide our clients with the best service possible, accompanied by a smile and the best intentions.