Development, Investment and Rule of Law

Publicado el 25 de octubre 2022

Foto de Mario Concepción Martínez Sandoval

Mario Concepción Martínez Sandoval - Socio

We must start with the premise that, for development to exist, there must be investment, but on clear rules of the game, which translates into respect for the rule of law, which is what characterizes the Legal Certainty of a country, because every small, medium or substantial investment seeks to guarantee its return, even more so when it is foreign, precisely to avoid the political ups and downs that undermine their interests and the fundamental reasons are: firstly, they must know how to compete in the domestic market to guarantee results and secondly, that their investment does not go to the detriment of the norms and rules that were not foreseen at the time the decision was made to make their disbursement: firstly, they have to know how to compete in the domestic market to guarantee results and secondly, that their investment does not go to the detriment of norms and rules that were not foreseen at the time of making the decision to make their disbursement.

With these basic rules, we must pretend that our countries will be able to develop and generate a greater distribution of wealth, which is what a free market system and a democratic regime seek.

On the other hand, all development generates opportunities for the civilian community of our countries, regardless of their social or economic condition, since it will depend on the capacity, academic degree, initiative, intellect, vision and other attributes to hold the position to which they can access, precisely because the labor market will be diversified to make such selection, but on the basis that there is legal certainty so that investments can be made.

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