Money and the Environment Share More than a Color

Publicado el 22 de septiembre 2023

Foto de Mauricio Jose Guandique Cabezas

Mauricio Jose Guandique Cabezas - Asociado

Green! The color related to prosperity and economic abundance, in turn totally dominant within the environment, representing all kinds of forest spaces and friendliness with nature; but is there anything more than this coincidence?

In recent years, climate change and global environmental welfare actions have been the main vectors for governments, investors and companies in general to redefine their economic policies for sustainable development. But what is sustainability? The European Union definition defines it as "The continuous improvement of the quality of life and well-being of present and future generations, linking economic development, environmental protection and social justice". Companies with sustainable operations have positive impacts on the environment, society and the planet by including ESG (environmental, social and governance) aspects.

Why should a company be sustainable? Simple, companies that do not have these practices will not be able to survive.

Sustainable companies, in their environmental production, will manage the existence of resources and raw materials to produce; in social matters, the members of the companies will be motivated to belong to an organization that does not only seek its own benefit. For this reason, modern companies are adopting a "Green Financing" model, which promotes environmentally positive activities, such as the purchase of ecological goods and services or the construction of green infrastructure.

Green financing is emerging as a widespread phenomenon because of the increasing dangers associated with environmentally destructive products and services. The benefits of corporate sustainability are: accessing new market niches, renewable energies, sustainable mobility, teleworking technologies, among others. The idea is not necessarily to change the business model, but rather, the idea is to integrate these points into the company's day-to-day operations; making it clear that corporate sustainability should not be limited to marketing or image enhancement, much less a passing business fad.

Nature and money share the responsibility placed on companies to do the best management of these, so that in harmony a friendly production can be made for the preservation of the environment and the economy, forever!

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